[About us]

We are philosophers and philosophy students who are interested in analytic philosophy, more specifically, such areas as metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language. We are currently doing the research on the subject of ¡®The Semantics and Metaphysics of Dispositions' as part of the Global Research Network Program supported by the Korea Research Foundation.



Sungho Choi (Ph.D Seoul National University)

I am a philosophy professor at Kyunghee University. The focus of my interest is on metaphysics and philosophy of science. For more information about me, please click here.

Itay Shani (Ph.D. The University of Western Ontario)

I'm a recent recruit to the group (and the country!). My research expertise is the philosophy of mind and the foundations of cognitive science. My main areas of focus (for the time being) are mental representation, consciousness, embodied cognition, and the metaphysics of mind. For my CV, please click here.

Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (Ph.D. Arche, University of St. Andrews)

My main research areas are epistemology metaphysics, truth, and philosophy of logic and mathematics. For more information about my work, please go home-page.

Chiwook Won


Young-ah Jo

I am studying on the subject of analytical philosophy for Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Philosophy at University of Seoul. My main concern is philosophy of language, such as the use theory and indexicals.

Myoungsung Ha

I'm graduate student and study in Kyung-hee Univ. Studing Philoshophy is sometimes boring or difficult. But if we could do it together, then it would be exiting. Let's do it together.

[Contact information]

Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Humanities
Kyung Hee University
Hoe-Gi Dong, Dongdeamun-Gu
Seoul, Korea, 130-701



+82 (0) 2 9619291
+82 (0) 2 9633152